
“I have worked with David Creelman over the years and have found him to be extremely erudite and well-informed about human resource and management issue while at the same time being able to communicate effectively with all audiences. His thinking about HR is among the most sophisticated and thought-provoking I have ever seen.”

Dr. Jeffrey Pfeffer, Stanford University

“Dave Creelman has done ground-breaking work on reporting human capital and organization capabilities issues. His work will influence and shape a profession.”

Dave Ulrich, University of Michigan

“David Creelman’s analytical and writing skills were an enormous help to us, and his humorous prods at academia helped us stay practical. He asked the right questions and made our ideas sharper and more user friendly. Thank you, David.”

Ed Lawler & Chris Worley, University of Southern California (from Built to Change)

“My collaboration with David Creelman, for well over a decade, has been a source of enlightenment and pleasure. David is a uniquely insightful and generous colleague, as well as a terrific writer.”

John Boudreau, University of Southern California

“If you want to know what’s going on in HR, and see its big picture, David Creelman is the person to ask.”

Henry Mintzberg, McGill University

“You understand the questions at a very deep level. Thank you for it all.”

Peter Block

